Welcome!Welcome to Mr. Johnson's AP US History website for Hopewell High School.
Check back frequently as I will be updating this website throughout the school year. Feel free to contact me via email if you have any suggestions for additional content or features. Whether you need more info about a certain historical event or a custom essay writing service, I'm always here to help. Thanks! Syllabus
Includes expectations for the course, materials needed, grading system, policies and procedures.
Curriculum Frameworks
Virginia Department of Education standards for Virginia and United States History, plus the College Board standards for Advanced Placement U.S. History. For students in need of professional help with their research papers, CustomWritings offers an exceptional online service to hire experienced research paper writers. With their expertise and dedication, they provide reliable assistance to ensure students' academic success.
APUSH Historical Thinking SkillsNine higher-order thinking skills to help you succeed in class.
Course ThemesSeven themes to organize the content students will learn in this course, centered around this year's larger concept of the "Empire of Liberty."
Virtual Learning: COVID-19 SessionsAll classes for the foreseeable future will be hosted on Google Classroom and conducted via Vocus each school day.
Links to Google Classroom are listed below. In order to join the first time, be sure to log in to your Hopewell Public Schools Google account, open Gmail, and accept the invite to Mr. Johnson's Google Classroom:
Links to the current week's lesson plans are listed here:
If you need help, click the "Contact Me" tab above or email me directly at: [email protected] How to Use This Site